Lectures on the Philosophy of History, also translated as Lectures on the Philosophy of World History is a major work by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831), originally given as lectures at the University of Berlin in 1822, 1828, and 1830. Nagsurat hiya parte han kaagi, politiko, relihiyon, arte, lohika ngan metapisika. [126], According to Walter Kaufmann, the basic idea of Hegel's works, especially the Phenomenology of Spirit, is that a philosopher should not "confine him or herself to views that have been held but penetrate these to the human reality they reflect". Updates? [133], In the last half of the 20th century, Hegel's philosophy underwent a major renaissance. [59]:80 While in Frankfurt, Hegel composed the essay "Fragments on Religion and Love". Authors he read include the poet Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock and writers associated with the Enlightenment, such as Christian Garve and Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Every outlook in other words, is to be studied not merely as an academic possibility but as an existential reality". For discussion of the various schools of Hegelian thought, see Hegelianism. The individual has "substantial freedom in the state". Son oeuvre, postérieure à celle de Kant, est l'une des plus représentatives de l'idéalisme allemand et a eu une influence décisive sur l'ensemble de la philosophie contemporaine. Within this work, the category of life is conceived to be the absolute idea in the form of the subjective concept; an illustrative contrast may be seen in contrasting this with how the category of cognition is thought as being the absolute idea in the form of the judgement. Though his fellow students called him “the old man,” he liked cheerful company and a “sacrifice to Bacchus” and enjoyed the company of women as well. Nevertheless, this interpretation survives in a number of scholarly works. Hegel's categories are, in part, carried over from his Lectures on the History of Philosophy. Stefan Gruner: "Hegel's Aether Doctrine". While Aristotle criticized Plato's "Forms", he preserved Plato's ontological implications for self-determination: ethical reasoning, the soul's pinnacle in the hierarchy of nature, the order of the cosmos and reasoned arguments for a prime mover. [140] Kierkegaard criticized Hegel's "absolute knowledge" unity. "[80], The affinity between Hegel and Kant's logics ("speculative" and "transcendental" respectively) is apparent in their vocabulary. [33] Of special importance is his concept of spirit (Geist, sometimes also translated as "mind") as the historical manifestation of the logical concept – and the "sublation" (Aufhebung, integration without elimination or reduction) – of seemingly contradictory or opposing factors: examples include the apparent opposition between necessity and freedom and between immanence and transcendence. The idea of the absolute excludes multiplicity so the subjective and objective must achieve synthesis to become whole. The infinitude of spirit is its inwardness, in an abstract sense its pure inwardness, and this is its thought, and this abstract thought is a real present infinitude, while its concrete inwardness consists in the fact that this thought is Spirit. Also in 1797, the unpublished and unsigned manuscript of "The Oldest Systematic Program of German Idealism" was written. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Georg-Wilhelm-Friedrich-Hegel, The Basics of Philosophy - Biography of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Since human thought is the image and fulfillment of God's thought, God can be understood by an analysis of thought and reality. Moore and Bertrand Russell, both pioneering figures in British analytic philosophy—as in his positive impact. Nicht mit der Welt, sondern mit der Freiheit bringt Klaus Vieweg Hegel schon im Titel seiner Biographie zusammen. La jeunesse de Hegel de 1770 – 1801 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel est né le 27 août 1770 à Stuttgart dans une famille protestante. Hegel's mother, Maria Magdalena Louisa (née Fromm), was the daughter of a lawyer at the High Court of Justice at the Württemberg court. as a mystic and hermetic thinker. This liberal distinction between political society and civil society was used by Alexis de Tocqueville. Hegel further attests that God (as Jesus) not only died, but "[...] rather, a reversal takes place: God, that is to say, maintains himself in the process, and the latter is only the death of death. Among the first to take a critical view of Hegel's system was the 19th-century German group known as the Young Hegelians, which included Feuerbach, Marx, Engels and their followers. Furthermore, in Hegel's language the "dialectical" aspect or "moment" of thought and reality, by which things or thoughts turn into their opposites or have their inner contradictions brought to the surface, what he called Aufhebung, is only preliminary to the "speculative" (and not "synthesizing") aspect or "moment", which grasps the unity of these opposites or contradiction. Hegel's main philosophical project was to take these contradictions and tensions and interpret them as part of a comprehensive, evolving, rational unity that in different contexts he called "the absolute Idea" (Science of Logic, sections 1781–1783) or "absolute knowledge" (Phenomenology of Spirit, "(DD) Absolute Knowledge"). "[50] In his work Systematic Theology, theologian Paul Tillich referred to Hegel's work as "perfect essentialism," later writing "essentialism was in Hegel's system fulfilled. The State is "objective spirit" so "it is only through being a member of the state that the individual himself has objectivity, truth, and ethical life" (section 258). In this manner, a solution that is reached in principle in the account of "true infinity" in the Science of Logic's chapter on "Quality" is repeated in new guises at later stages, all the way to "Spirit" and "ethical life" in the third volume of the Encyclopedia. Schopenhauer, Arthur. In 1817, Hegel published The Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Outline as a summary of his philosophy for students attending his lectures at Heidelberg. Heraclitus did not form any abstract nouns from his ordinary use of "to be" and "to become" and seemed to oppose any identity A to any other identity B, C and so on, which is not-A. The Left Hegelians, also known as the Young Hegelians, interpreted Hegel in a revolutionary sense, leading to an advocation of atheism in religion and liberal democracy in politics. Hegel was putting the finishing touches to it, The Phenomenology of Spirit, as Napoleon engaged Prussian troops on 14 October 1806 in the Battle of Jena on a plateau outside the city. Hegel was the last of the great system builders of Western philosophy and the greatest and most extravagant representative of the school of absolute idealism. [122]:203 In his political philosophy, he criticized Karl Ludwig von Haller's reactionary work, which claimed that laws were not necessary. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. The "thesis–antithesis–synthesis" approach erroneously gives the sense that things or ideas are contradicted or opposed by things that come from outside them. For both Hegel and Kant, "we arrive at the concept of the thing in itself by removing, or abstracting from, everything in our experiences of objects of which we can become conscious. Auteurs écrivains 18ème siècle, Biographie, Citations Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Terry Pinkard situates Hegel firmly in the historical context of his times. "[81], So how are the categories derived? [84] Others, such as Hans-Georg Gadamer, believe that Hegel's course in the Logic is determined primarily by the associations of ordinary words in the German language. It was spread by Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus in accounts of Hegelian philosophy and, since then, the terms have been used for this type of framework. the subjective side of knowledge and will, with its life, movement, and activity" (thesis and antithesis), he did not use "synthesis", but instead spoke of the "Whole": "We then recognised the State as the moral Whole and the Reality of Freedom, and consequently as the objective unity of these two elements". C’est là ce qu’on pourrait appeler sa période Schellingienne : fidèle disciple, il se borne à défe… (Hegel, "How the Ordinary Human Understanding Takes Philosophy as displayed in the works of Mr. Krug", Jon Bartley Stewart. degree in 1790. His views were widely taught, and his students were highlyregarded. ), a practice that goes back to Plato's Sophist and Aristotle's Categories. A. Pelczynski and Shlomo Avineri. Maurice Merleau-Ponty (trans. He studied in Stuttgart, and after graduating from the gymnasium there he began to study philosophy and theology in the seminary in Tübingen. [107] His thoughts on the person of Jesus Christ stood out from the theologies of the Enlightenment. Hegel's remaining two sons—Karl, who became a historian; and Immanuel [de], who followed a theological path—lived long and safeguarded their father's manuscripts and letters, and produced editions of his works. Kant spoke of Entstehen (coming-to-be) and Vergehen (ceasing-to-be), the same two terms that Hegel used to refer to the two compositional elements of Werden (becoming). Il défend dans un ouvrage la pensée de son ami Schelling contre celle de Fichte, ce qui le fait connaître. It is indeed a wonderful sensation to see such an individual, who, concentrated here at a single point, astride a horse, reaches out over the world and masters it. In this way, Hegel defended the truth in Kantian dualism against reductive or eliminative programs like materialism and empiricism. His work, following upon that of Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, and Friedrich Schelling, thus marks the pinnacle of classical German philosophy. Hegel. Hegel und die Entstehung der Gesellschaftstheorie, New York 1941 (englischsprachig), Darmstadt und Neuwied 1962 u. ö. Unable to find more suitable employment, Hegel reluctantly accepted. Hegel died in 1831. For example: Parmenides took pure being to be the absolute; Gorgias replaced it with pure nothing; Heraclitus replaced both being and nothing with becoming (which is a unity of two contraries: coming-to-be and ceasing-to-be). It was perfectly legitimate in Hegel's eyes for a conqueror, such as Napoleon, to come and destroy that which was not fully realized. In a Hegelian State, citizens both know their place and choose their place. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (IPA: [ˈgeɔʁk ˈvɪlhɛlm ˈfʁiːdʁɪç ˈheːgəl]) (lahir 27 Agustus 1770 – meninggal 14 November 1831 pada umur 61 tahun) adalah seorang filsuf idealis Jerman yang lahir di Stuttgart, Württemberg, kini di Jerman barat daya. After the period of Bruno Bauer, Hegel's influence waned until the philosophy of British Idealism and the 20th-century Hegelian Western Marxism that began with György Lukács. [85] However, regardless of its status as a formal logic, Hegel clearly understood the course of his logic to be reflected in the course of history: ...different stages of the logical Idea assume the shape of successive systems, each based on a particular definition of the Absolute. [75]:207–208, In 1819–1827, he made two trips to Weimar, where he met Goethe, and to Brussels, the Northern Netherlands, Leipzig, Vienna, Prague, and Paris.[76]. In Hegel's draft manuscripts written during his time at the University of Jena, his notion of "Geist" was tightly bound to the notion of "Aether", from which he also derived the concepts of space and time, but in his later works (after Jena) he did not explicitly use his old notion of "Aether". "[40], Hegel's work has been considered the "completion of philosophy"[41][42][43] by multiple of the most influential thinkers in existentialism, post-structuralism, and twentieth-century theology. He had already learned the elements of Latin from his mother by the time he entered the Stuttgart grammar school, where he remained for his education until he was 18. This first major biography of Hegel in English offers not only a complete, up-to-date account of the life, but also an overview of the key philosophical concepts in Hegel's work in an accessible style.
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